Dispatch Christian Reformed Church
Dispatch Christian Reformed Church

Our Ministries

Dispatch CRC strives to engage every member not only through weekly worship services but through like minded groups in hopes of giving members a sense of community within the church.  Members meet to fellowship with other believers and/or to reach out to the surrounding communities to meet their spiritual and physical needs.



YPS (Young Peoples Society)

For high school age youth. YPS is currently NOT meeting.

Activities include a time of outdoor fun, fellowship time which includes a meal, then a bible study relevant to today's culture. If you'd like to join or need more information

please contact dispcrc@ruraltel.net


For boys, ages 9 - 14. Cadets meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month September through May.  Cadets are led in a time of games/activities, a lesson and craft.  

If you'd like your child to join and need either a ride or more information please contact Mike Nyhoff at bisonn.nyhoff1@gmail.com.


GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)

For girls in the 3rd - 8th grades.  GEMS meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month September through April. GEMS are led in a time of worship, a lesson and craft.  

If you'd like your child to join and need either a ride or more information please contact Marla Koops at 785.564.2391.


Dorcas Society

The Dorcas Society ladies group is no longer active but met for many years of Bible Study, Fellowship and Quilting. It had a rich history of ministry at Dispatch.

Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)

The Ora et Labora ladies group meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays for Bible Study and Fellowship.  If you are interested in joining please contact us at dispcrc@ruraltel.net.

Promise Keepers

Men's Bible Study meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 6:30 am at the Roundhouse Coffee Shop in Downs, KS.

Vacation Bible School

VBS usually meets in June every summer.  Join us for a fun week of learning about God.  For children just entering Kindergarten to those that have just completed the 5th grade.  To find out when VBS will be held, see our coming events near the end of May every year.  For further information please email dispcrc@ruraltel.net.


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