"Safe Place Ministries"
John Obey Village, Sierra Leone; Africa
We are a Christian Reformed Church.
Christian because Jesus Christ is central to our lives as Lord and Savior. He is the One in whom we trust and whom we strive to obey. Because we love Jesus we want to share with others the message of forgiveness and new life in Christ.
Reformed because our heritage is connected to the Protestant Reformation. We emphasize that the Bible is the Word of God, the final authority for what we believe and how we live. In and through the Bible, God, by the Holy Spirit, reveals the truth about himself and speaks to us today.
Church because God has gathered us from different backgrounds and from all walks of life into the one world-wide family of those who belong to Christ. We have been brought together by God's Spirit, and commit ourselves to mutual support and to service in our community and the world.
We believe in God the Father who has created the world and governs all things. He is our faithful Father.
We believe in God the Son who came to earth as Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ we see the love of God. Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. He rose from the dead to give us new life.
We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ we receive the forgiveness of sins. As such, salvation is by grace alone, through faith in Christ. It is not a reward for good works. We believe that because of Jesus Christ, we already now share in the gift of eternal life, and will one day be raised from the dead to be with him in heaven.
We believe in God the Holy Spirit who lives in every believer and continually nurtures us so that we may grow in our understanding of God and the faithfulness in his service.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It reveals all we need to know and serve God.
We believe that the Church includes all who confess Jesus Christ as Savior and serve him as Lord. Through the ministry of the Church, God is calling people everywhere to believe in Jesus and live
for him.
• A summary of this faith is found in three creeds we share with Christian churches throughout the world. They are the Apostles' Creed, The Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.
• We also profess three confessions from the Reformation. They are
the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.
• We celebrate two
sacraments, Holy Baptism
and Holy Communion.
Resonate Global Mission
For more than a century Christian Reformed Home Missions and Christian Reformed World Missions have been introducing people to Christ in North America and around the world. In 2017 they combined forces to become Resonate Global Mission.
RGM will continue in that goal to multiply and connect the number of churches that are pointing the four corners of the world to Christ.
World Renew
World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community.
Compelled by God's deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.
Dale & Cheryl Ramsey - International Friendships Inc.
International Friendships, Inc (IFI) is a community organization that works in partnership with universities and Christian volunteers to promote friendship and hospitality for international students, scholars and family members. IFI also partners with internationals through on-campus student organizations.
Dispatch Christian Reformed Church was organized in 1872 by Dutch settlers in the community known as Rotterdam, Kansas. Arriving in the late 1860’s and early 1870’s the early settlers traveled to Kansas by covered wagon or train from places such as Pella, Iowa. For these settlers, the church was as vital to their spiritual life as food to their physical being. Soon after the organization of the church, Teunis Kuiken donated 4 acres of land in the very northwest corner of Section 30 in Erving Township, Jewell County, Kansas. The first church was built on this acreage. (More)
The First Dutch Christian Reformed Church of Rotterdam, Jewell County, Kansas was chartered on December 24, 1880. (See Charter Members here). A second, larger church was built in 1887 for the growing congregation while the first little church building was made into a parsonage. (More 1880 - 1915).
In August of 1916, the corner stone of the present red brick church building was laid. By March of 1917, this new church was completed and dedicated. This larger building would accommodate between 400 and 500 people. (More 1916 - 1930).